British Geological Survey Building Stone Team

The United Kingdom has been a producer of building stone for many hundreds of years. Because of our varied geology, a wide range of building stone types have been used and this has influenced architectural style throughout Britain. The importance of this local distinctiveness is becoming increasingly recognised and the maintenance of the built heritage is now a significant issue to society. New construction, including streetscape and paving schemes, are also turning to natural stone. This has led to an increase in the demand for stone and a resurgence in some parts of the stone industry.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009


Building a Future for Stone
Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London
1 October 2009

9:30 – 10:00 Registration, tea/coffee & posters/networking
Morning Session 1 (10.00-12.00)
Chair: Andrew Bloodworth

Opening Remarks:
Andrew Bloodworth, Head of Science –Minerals and Waste, British Geological Survey

Keynote Address:
James Simpson OBE, Simpson & Brown Architects
The Significance of Stone in the UK: heritage and new construction

Graham Lott, British Geological Survey (and David Smith, Natural History Museum)
The importance of building stone collections in guiding conservation practice—a Victorian legacy

Ewan Hyslop, British Geological Survey
The selection of replacement stone for conservation and repair

Tea/coffee & posters/networking

Morning Session 2 (12.30-13.30)
Chair: Andrew McMillan, British Geological Survey

Keynote Address:
Michiel Dusar, Director, Geological Survey of Belgium
Historic building stones in Belgium –is there a future for historical building stones?

Joanne Curran, Consarc Design Group
The Natural Stone Database for Northern Ireland

Lunch, tea/coffee & posters/networking

Afternoon Session (14.30-15.30)
Chair: Terry Hughes, Secretary, English Stone Forum

Tarnia McAlester, English Heritage (and Don Cameron, British Geological Survey)
The Strategic Stone Study: aims and progress

Jana Horak, Welsh Stone Forum
Case Study of Brecon Beacons National Park: styles, surveys, planning constraints, and the availability of stone

Colin Tennant, Scottish Stone Liaison Group (and Emily Tracey, Historic Scotland Research Fellow)
Building Stone Audits and the development of a National Stone Database for Scotland

Discussion Session (16.00-17.00)
Led by Brian Marker, English Stone Forum & Andrew McMillan, British Geological Survey

17:00 Close

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